Sunday, September 7, 2014

Fall Lecture Announcement

Beta Phi Mu Theta Chapter proudly announces our Fall Lecture:

Deirdre Lawrence

Principal Librarian of the Brooklyn Museum

“The hybrid library: The challenges of being a steward of both a physical and digital art library”

Wednesday, October 15, 2014
6:30 – 8:30 pm

Pratt Manhattan Campus
144 West 14th Street

Room 213

Deirdre Lawrence has been the Principal Librarian at the Brooklyn Museum since 1983. She is a Pratt Alum, receiving her M.L.S. in 1979. At the Brooklyn Museum she has established the Museum Archives and implemented many projects to preserve and make the research collections accessible. Deirdre has overseen a major renovation project, the implementation of an online catalog, and several collaborative projects with other libraries and organizations. Pratt-SILS and the Brooklyn Museum have partnered on IMLS Grants from 2005 to present. 

Space is limited; please RSVP to by Monday October 13th.

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